Hospitality and Decor Ministry
The Hospitality Ministry oversees CCF’s weekly fellowship time as well as food and fellowship following special services such as the Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services and for events such as the Historical Society chicken BBQ, summer baptism potluck and outreaches to Mann’s Meadow senior community. Decor is a part of this ministry which is concerned with providing a warm and inviting setting for fellowship.
Contact Max Anderson with any questions.
Men’s Ministry
The men’s ministry meets the first Saturday of the month at the church.The men enjoy a delicious breakfast
and often share a message, meaningful scripture or personal reflection.
Contact Ken Hoeppner with any questions.
Music Ministry
Meets 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM every Sunday
We are a small group of musicians and singers, using the talent God has given us to worship and praise Him through Christian hymns and contemporary worship music. Our aim is to glorify God through music so people can move into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Children’s Church
Meets 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM every Sunday
Our children’s Church Ministry welcomes kids ages six years and up. Kids learn and take part in a bible-based curriculum and engaging projects. We feel you’re never too young to learn about our Savior Jesus Christ!
Contact Teresa Davis with questions.
Kid’s Korner (Nursery Ministry)
Meets 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM every Sunday
Our nursery provides a cheerful, inviting and safe space from birth to age five during service.
Contact Suzanne Hoeppner with questions.
Flourish Women’s Group
Join us for our Flourish Women’s Group every third Wednesday. We are a group of ladies who are striving to be like Jesus and grow in our knowledge of His Word. We would love to have you join us. Any questions use the link below to email Teresa.
Contact Teresa Davis with questions.
Small Group Bible Study and Discussion Group
Meets 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM every Thursday
The Small Group Bible study is all about relationships! We spend time and get to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the reading and studying His word and prayer. We also work on developing strong relationships with each other through sharing and helping each other grow as Christians. All are welcome. We are currently studying through the book of Proverbs.
Contact Jim Jasmin with questions and for Zoom credentials.
Prayer Meetings
We believe the church and community are spiritually strengthened through prayer and intersession and that CCF is a house of prayer.
We have a prayer chain that takes specific requests. Requests can be given to Max & Joe Anderson.
Meets in person and via Zoom.